Newcastle librarian Vicki Heck has been a familiar face since the library's opening in 2012, but her community involvement goes far beyond its walls.
How long have you lived/worked in Newcastle and what brought you to live/work in Newcastle
I’ve worked as a librarian in Newcastle since it opened on December 8, 2012. Before the library opened, I worked at KCLS’ Newport Way and Mercer Island branches. A fun memory is that a year before opening, our Friends of Newcastle Library were already forming and meeting at Newport Way Library to create a Friends Board and planning how to support the new library and our community. Our current FONL President was on that original Board! Another fond memory is Mayor Rich Crispo meeting with me, before the library was built, to lobby for space for Newcastle Historical Society displays. I wish I had that kind of power!
For many years prior to the 2012 Grand Opening, I was attending Newcastle Days to promote KCLS services and resources. The number one question every time was, “When is the library opening, we’ve been waiting so long!” Newcastle wanted a library so badly, which was a big reason why I decided to transfer to serve as librarian for this community. Newcastle is my kind of Library Loving people!
What are some of the ways you contribute to our community?
From Opening Day in 2012, with the line of people stretching around the block, I could tell this was going to be a librarian’s dream community. Newcastle is small enough to truly get to know people, develop relationships, and collaborate with the many passionate community members, organizations and City staff to provide a welcoming, inclusive, inspiring space for all. The citizens of Newcastle have the vision for the library space they want for this community. I’ve followed their lead, co-creating and incorporating their incredible ideas, wisdom and passions into programs, services and resources. My contributions have been listening, learning and working in partnership with the community to create opportunities for people to gather, connect, learn, and access resources and KCLS’ broad collection.
Tell us a Newcastle memory.
Honestly, the best memory is a really recent memory - the 2024 Lunar New Year Celebration at Risdon Middle School. It’s my favorite memory, because that incredible event, which drew over 1000 people, was the epitome of everything I love about working as a librarian in the Newcastle community. It was an exquisite orchestral movement of community collaboration, from the early planning stages to the Risdon Commons floors being swept clean after the event. It included the strong relationships I’ve built with the City of Newcastle, Newcastle Arts Council and the wonderful local businesses, organizations and community members that showed up, contributed and volunteered. It included the amazing, diverse community that attended to celebrate Lunar New Year, the powerful Year of the Dragon. During the event my heart fully opened with love and gratitude for this wonderful community. We are stronger when we work together, and we all worked together in perfect harmony that day. A special shout out to Councilmember Sun Burford who envisioned and contributed so much expertise to this event.
What do you hope for the future of Newcastle?
I hope Newcastle keeps growing closer as a community. Welcoming newcomers, honoring those that have been around since the library was a cow pasture, and finding room to learn about each other, support each other and value the truly special place that is Newcastle. And I hope Newcastle gets its own zip code someday, ;).
What is your idea of a perfect weekend in Newcastle?
For a librarian, my perfect weekend would be a busy library on Saturday, full of people dropping by to pick up their Holds or selecting a good book or DVD; attending a program where they learn or create something new; finding a quiet corner to study or relax reading a newspaper or magazine; and conversing with library staff or a friend they haven’t seen in a while. The library is closed on Sunday, so since I live just over the hill in South Bellevue, it’s very easy for me to use my Newcastle Trails Map to find a new trail to explore, then drop by town to enjoy a meal or pick up supplies.
What are some of your favorite Newcastle places to visit?
I visit Lake Boren Park frequently, as it’s the perfect distance to walk there and back during my lunch break. The boardwalk by Aegis Gardens, when the skunk cabbage is in bloom. Newcastle Historic Cemetery is a special place to remember and honor the fascinating history of this area. The Primrose Trail and Cinder Mine connection by Coal Creek YMCA is one of my favorite trails. Calcutta Grill at Newcastle Golf Course is top of mind for special occasions - what a view! Visiting Newcastle Arts Council’s Little Free Art Gallery by City Hall to see what new treasures are inside. Newcastle has some of my favorite local shops, eateries and services too, I love supporting this community by shopping locally.