Long-term resident and former Mayor Linda Newing has served our City in multiple roles.
How long have you lived in Newcastle and what brought you to live here?
I have lived in Newcastle for 22 years with my husband. My husband grew up in this area and the location was close to our jobs and families making Newcastle the right choice for us.
What are some of the ways you contribute to our community?
I am active in my neighborhood block watch group and organized some of our first National Night Out gatherings hosting strawberry shortcake feeds. In 2013, I was appointed to the Community Activities Commission by former Mayor Rich Crispo. I thoroughly enjoyed the work of the Commission, and we covered a wide range of topics - parks, trails, city history, park signage, and of course, events. In 2015, I ran for election to the City Council. My position was the only contested race that year. After a lot of pavement-pounding and talking with so many residents and businesses, I was elected to the City Council and sworn in January 2016. I served two full terms (8 years) - 2 years as a councilmember, 2 years as deputy mayor, and 4 years as mayor. Quite an honor to serve my community in this capacity. I still maintain many connections with regional leaders to keep their interest and support of Newcastle strong.
Tell us a Newcastle memory.
As a former elected official in our city, I have accumulated several notable memories. We were thrown into a global pandemic a few weeks after I was first elected mayor in 2020. I am grateful I had the opportunity to serve my community in this capacity during the pandemic. I partnered and met regularly with many regional authorities, including healthcare teams, and was able to ascertain valuable information to share with our residents and businesses during a time of uncertainty. I learned so much during this time.
My favorite contribution to Newcastle was creating and organizing the city's first Newcastle Days "Parade through the Park" to commemorate its 20th anniversary of incorporation. The parade was small but consisted of high school bands, dance teams, cheer squads, dance studio groups, Scouts Color Guard, and of course, our own Neil Hubbard, bagpiper at the Newcastle Golf Club. A couple years later we added the St. Bernard Club of Puget Sound, and those dogs were a big hit in the parade and as they remained in the park afterward giving cart rides. This parade continues today, and it is so important to me that it does remain an annual staple for our city's biggest celebration. It's very dear to my heart.
What do you hope for the future of Newcastle?
I would love to see the amphitheater built at Lake Boren Park, with a new, permanent stage. The park's topography is a natural setting for a fabulous venue. This is our crown jewel, and it just deserves some updating. It's a great space enjoyed by so many in our area and it showcases the city's summer events. We need to keep our crown jewel sparkling.
Redevelopment of the downtown strip mall shopping areas to create a more walkable community would be a great benefit to our residents. Our business community is strong, but it would thrive in a more modern environment. Redeveloping these areas could possibly attract more amenities for our residents.
What is your idea of a perfect weekend in Newcastle?
My perfect weekend is enjoying the peaceful surroundings of our open spaces and neighborhoods, with an occasional sighting of wildlife. Love the sightings of deer, eagles soaring above, and the occasional black bear and bobcat.
What are some of your favorite Newcastle places to visit?
I love visiting the Newcastle Golf Club, the view never gets old. A stop by the Newcastle Fruit and Produce always results in some great home cooking and I enjoy visiting with Dave, the owner. A weeknight evening at Tapatio or The Coalman is always fun, and they are great places to catch up with friends. We also have so many options to visit and enjoy open space in our city. I am very excited about the new park that will be part of the Hiemstra Development off 116th Avenue SE on the west side of the city.