Newcastle Trails President Garry Kampen is considered one of our City’s founding citizens. A passionate advocate for connecting community through trails, he’s lived in Newcastle since 1980.
How long have you lived in Newcastle and what brought you here?
I bought my present home in Hazelwood in 1980, drawn by its location. I grew up in Le Sueur, a small Minnesota farm town; joined Boeing Seattle after college and grad school; and climbed and hiked with the Mountaineers. My parents and brother came later, to Renton and Leavenworth. I left for a software startup in Germany, taught Computer Science in Illinois, and returned to Boeing in 1980. My new home was close to family, minutes from two great cities, and even closer to farmland, mountains, and woodland trails.
What are some of the ways you contribute to our community?
I helped to found modern Newcastle in 1994, the Hazelwood Community Association (HCA), and Newcastle Trails. I stayed active with all three: contributing to Newcastle's Comprehensive Plans; working with the HCA for Donegal Park and much-needed sidewalks. As Newcastle Trails president, I've worked to build Newcastle's trail system and link it to adjoining trails. As a resident, I do what I can to support local businesses.
Tell us a Newcastle memory.
In the 1980's, Hazelwood was surrounded by woods and trails. One day I phoned Tom Eksten, the County Trails Coordinator, who agreed to build a trail with steps in Hazelwood Park – and a wetlands boardwalk – if there was public access. I agreed to search the County archives (non-digital then), starting in Factoria. The key document lay on a table near the door, showing a public corridor on the wetlands! King County started the CrossTown Trail, building steps and boardwalk.
What do you hope for the future of Newcastle?
I hope for the completion of Newcastle's park and trail system, with links to an expanded Renton system, and the preservation of all that makes our city special – including woodland, farmland, and historic sites. More generally, I hope for good government, engaged citizens, and stable finances.
What are some of your favorite Newcastle places to visit?
My favorite Newcastle places include Lake Boren Park, Yea's Restaurant, Boulder Grove on the Terrace Trail, the Golf Course and Clubhouse Trail.