Newcastle City Council Vacancy
The City of Newcastle is seeking applicants for appointment to the City
Council. This vacancy will be filled by a qualified registered voter of
Newcastle who has resided within city limits for at least one year.
Term of Service
The appointed councilmember will serve until the next municipal election in
November 2025. The appointee may run for election in November 2025 if
Councilmembers attend regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday of
each month and may participate in additional meetings or committees as
needed. Responsibilities include enacting laws, overseeing the City
Manager, approving the budget, and representing the interests of
Newcastle residents.
Councilmembers receive a monthly salary of $500.
Application Deadline
Apply by 9 a.m. on November 25, 2024. Submit a completed online
application, resume, and letter of interest via the link to application form or in person at City Hall.
Interview and Appointment Schedules
Interviews will be held December 3, 2024, or as soon thereafter as agreed
to by the City Council. All interviews will be held during a City Council
meeting open to the public. The City Council will vote to appoint a person to
Position 4 after the interview process is complete.
For Questions, please email the City Clerk, [email protected]