The Newcastle Police Blotter features selected crime reports. This is not a comprehensive list of incidents in Newcastle. Questions? Contact Police Chief Houck at [email protected].
A Message from Chief Houck
Fifteen total tickets were written this period, for everything from speeding to DUI’s. I think people are confused. When the road gets wet from rain and leaves, people should SLOW DOWN, not speed up.
Bad news is coming help make it less worser.
The forecast for the next blotter is worse than my grammar / English. Just today while writing this I have heard four different calls for larcenies from vehicles and garages. They all had something in common and I bet some of you can guess: The doors on the cars and garages were left wide open. Sure, that is not an excuse to steal stuff and we should be able to leave stuff in our cars, but the reality is that we cannot. I know I have said it before, and sadly I am sure I will need to say it again at some point, but unless you want to be a victim or you like reading about all the vehicle prowls we have, please start locking your door and taking things out of your car.
6400 block Lake Washington Blvd.
Stolen Vehicle recovery—NPD Officers were dispatched to this area for a dumped vehicle. When officers arrived, the vehicle was found to be stolen from Redmond several days earlier. Officers were able to check video in the area and are continuing to investigate.
6900 block 132nd
Lost Child—NPD officers were called to the area after a man found a small child wandering in the area. After 45 minutes of searching, NPD officers were able to find where the child belonged. After interviewing the family and investigating further, it was determined that the mother had gone to the store and asked a friend staying in the apartment to watch the kids. The friend watched the other two kids but thought mom had taken the younger child with her.
8000 block 149th Place
Vehicle theft—NPD was called after Kent PD stopped a vehicle and the driver could not explain who owned it. NPD went by the owner’s house and confirmed that it had been stolen sometime overnight. The owner had left the vehicle in the driveway with the key fob in it.
8000 block 149th Pl. SE
Vehicle Prowl—NPD responded to the area after the victim called to report that his vehicle had been broken into and several hundred dollars in tools were stolen. The man said he had left the vehicle unlocked when the tools were stolen.
7300 block 129th Ave. SE
An eagle-eyed NPD Officer observed a suspiciously parked vehicle in the area. On further inspection, it was found to be a stolen vehicle from Federal Way from a few days earlier. The Responding Officer was notified of where the vehicle was found.
7900 block 110th
Stolen Vehicle recovery—While conducting an area check an NPD officer spotted a vehicle that appeared to have been hastily parked and just generally looked out of place. A quick check of license plate showed it to be a stolen vehicle from Tukwila a few days prior. NPD recovered the vehicle and notified the owner.
6900 block Coal Creek Parkway
Fraud—A woman called NPD to report that she had lost her wallet somewhere in this location and could not find it, and then was notified of 2 door dash purchases and deliveries that were made using her credit card. The woman canceled all her cards and called NPD.
12100 block SE 84th
Burglary—A family called to report that sometime in the previous hour, their home had been burglarized. They had left about an hour prior and returned home to find their bedroom ransacked and a front window open. Several thousand dollars’ worth of items were stolen from the house, and video footage showed an unknown man leave the residence at about 5:45pm and get into a waiting vehicle. NPD officers went door-to-door in the area looking for video footage and other witnesses. NPD is continuing to investigate.
6800 block Coal Creek Parkway
Burglary—A woman called to report that her storage unit had been broken into some time in the previous 2 months. Taken were two suitcases of clothes, a mirror and… Cat litter box…? No suspect info and it is highly unlikely it was related to the burglary above.
8800 block 116th
Vehicle Prowl—NPD responded to the location after a man called to report that sometime overnight an unknown person/s broke into a locked cargo trailer and stole what amounts to close to $100k in race-timing equipment. The victim was able to provide serial numbers and pictures of the stolen items and NPD is investigating.
7900 block Coal Creek
Hit and Run—A man was arrested in the 7100 block of 136th Ave. SE after he was involved in a hit and run accident that sent two people to the hospital on Coal Creek Parkway. He fled from the accident and was followed by a Newcastle Resident and City employee who led police right to him. The man was booked into jail for hit and run.