The Newcastle City Council roundups offer a digest of notable items for those who can't make it to the regular meetings. View the meeting agenda packet here,which contains supporting documentation and presentations for many of the items below. The meeting video is posted here.
Happy Tony Ventrella Day to all who celebrate!
In honor of Councilmember Tony Ventrella’s last meeting, Mayor Linda Newing declared July 20 “Tony Ventrella Day” in the City of Newcastle. King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn was present to honor Councilmember Ventrella for his service. Councilmember Ventrella will be moving to Pierce County to be closer to family, and he’ll be resigning his seat effective August 1.
Council adopted a new fee schedule as proposed and directed inclusion of alarm fees, which were omitted from the 2020 schedule.
Seahawks Public Practices
Seattle Seahawks President Chuck Arnold called into public comment to wish Councilmember Ventrella well, and he announced opening of practices to the public, including one practice at Lumen Field (formerly CenturyLink). He also announced that Lumen Field will reopen this season to the public with no restrictions for those who are vaccinated.
Do you want to give your opinions to your City Councilmembers? You can always email them directly at [email protected], or you can submit public comment, either live at a Council Meeting or by writing to the City Clerk at [email protected].