The Newcastle City Council held a regular meeting on Tuesday, December 7. If you missed watching it live, you can always see videos of past Council and Commission meetings, which are generally posted the following business day.
Here are the highlights from last week’s meeting. See the Agenda Packet for additional information and documentation.
At last week’s meeting, we celebrated the work and dedication of outgoing Councilmembers Dave Mitchel, Tamra Kammin, and Tom Magers. Normally, at the last meeting of a Councilmember’s term, we’d celebrate their work with a cake! But, since we’re still meeting remotely, each Councilmember will be receiving a gift bag with a commemorative plaque to thank them for their service to the City of Newcastle. Please join us in gratitude for our three outgoing Councilmembers, who each contributed their time and passion to the city over the last four years.
Welcome, Councilmember Villasenor
- Council adopted Resolution 2021-880, the Hill Preliminary Plat, as recommended by the Hearing Examiner.
- The next regular meeting has been canceled; please enjoy a night off on Tuesday, December 21!
- We’ll see you next year, on Tuesday, January 4th, when we welcome three new Councilmembers to the City of Newcastle.
Do you want your City Councilmembers to know your preferences and opinions on City issues? You can always email them directly at [email protected], or you can submit public comment, either live at a Council Meeting or by writing to the City Clerk at [email protected].