City Council Meeting Roundup | September 21, 2021
The Newcastle City Council roundups offer a digest of notable items from the most recent Council Meeting.
Want to know more? Explore the full agenda and its supporting documents in the meeting packet or watch the meeting video.
State of King County with District 9 Councilmember Reagan Dunn
At the September 21 Regular Council Meeting, the City of Newcastle welcomed our King County Councilmember, Reagan Dunn (District 9), who shared his State of King County presentation. Some of the items covered included:
- Covid case updates since July and the economic response for District 9
- Homelessness in King County
- Supporting addiction recovery and mental health
- Public safety and updates on upcoming changes in the King County Sheriff’s Office
- Investing in Newcastle
- Q&A from Newcastle City Councilmembers
The Council voted to approve the Comprehensive Plan Docket with no amendments. While there’s a lot of supporting documentation for this in the agenda packet, the simplified version is that there will be no changes to the Plan this year. This means that the rezoning from R-1 to R-4 requested by PK Enterprises near the DeLeo Wall is not being considered.
- Councilmember Sherlock noted in her comments that she enjoyed last week’s Art Walk hosted by the Newcastle Arts Commission, and her son is looking forward to adopting a storm drain. (Your family can adopt a Newcastle storm drain, too!)
- Council voted to waive executive privilege to release a report by the City Attorney’s office regarding a complaint issued by councilmember Mitchell against the Mayor and City Manager. Councilmember Mitchell moved to dismiss the complaint, and the motion carried.
- Council voted not to discuss Agenda Item 11.4, “Complaint of Councilmember Dave Mitchell against Police Chief Jason Houck.”
- Several councilmembers thanked staff for the September 17 Budget Retreat, which you can watch onlineto get a preview of the 2022 City budget. (And in case you missed it, the Finance Department recently received an award from the Government Finance Officers Association for the City’s 2021 budget. Congratulations!)
Do you want your City Councilmembers to know your preferences and opinions on City issues? You can always email them directly at [email protected], or you can submit public comment, either live at a Council Meeting or by writing to the City Clerk at [email protected].