Your Planning Commission

The Newcastle Planning Commission serves an important role by helping to shape the city's built environment and to conserve its natural spaces. Commissioners provide the city's decision-makers with valuable input from the people living in Newcastle. They advise the City Council on the Comprehensive Plan, development codes, and other matters related to development and land use. The City Council assigns an annual work plan to Commissioners, which may be modified during the year.
The Planning Commission is made up of seven members appointed by the City Council and is staffed by the Community Development Department. The commission meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at City Hall.
Questions concerning the Commission or its activities can be directed to Community Development Director Erin Fitzgibbons, who is the official staff liaison. Planning commissioners can be contacted by sending an email to the City Clerk or directly by clicking on their names below.
Commissioner - Position 1
Len Trautman
Commissioner - Position 2 (Vice Chair)
Vinita Kak
Commissioner - Position 3
Maggie Lo
Commissioner - Position 4
Charlie Gadzik
Commissioner - Position 5 (Chair)
Paul Van Atta
Commissioner - Position 6
Stuart Blocher
Commissioner - Position 7
You can make a difference by volunteering to serve on the Planning Commission. When a position becomes vacant, the city conducts a competitive selection process. Residents of Newcastle, or its potential annexation areas as found in the Comprehensive Plan, submit letters of interest, resumes, and applications to the City Clerk. A selection committee made up of the Mayor, the Commission Chair, and an additional representative chosen by the Mayor review applications and select candidates for interviews. Following interviews, the Mayor makes a decision about who to appoint. Members of the Council then review the Mayor's recommendation.
For more information, contact the City Clerk's office at 425-386-4114.