Newcastle Police and Newcastle Public Works are concerned about the safety of residents and visitors, so we respond to concerns about traffic problems as quickly as possible. Newcastle Police investigate violations such as speeding, running stop signs, and school zone violations.
To report traffic violations complete a request for traffic enforcement form and email it to the Newcastle Police to have an officer look into the complaint. You can also contact police Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., by calling 425-649-4444, ext. 120, or by calling the police non-emergency number, 206-296-3311. Please be as specific as possible about the days, times and and type of violation.
Abandoned and Suspicious Vehicles
If the vehicle in question has been parked on the public right of way for a period of 24 hours or longer, and you have not reported it previously, please call the police non-emergency number (206) 296-3311.
Additionally, call the non-emergency number if the vehicle is blocking the travel portion of the roadway, is improperly located on your property, is suspicious in any way, appears to have been vandalized or stolen, or was originally reported as abandoned more than 20 days ago. You may also report an abandoned vehicle by sending an email to the Newcastle Police.